Join The Narrative Voices Community

Welcome to our NTC e-newsletter Narrative Voices!  We look forward to sharing information with you about our upcoming events and news to share in general.

At the NTC we are always looking for ways to bring together those interested in narrative practices both locally and internationally. Our workshops have been a wonderful way to connect in person. However, we know that not everyone can attend them, and therefore hope that Narrative Voices will be a more accessible way for some folks to be connected to narrative ideas via our online free resources.

Every quarter we will share a featured article related to narrative ideas and periodically highlight Book Picks from NTC staff. Our hope is that this format will encourage and include reader participation. With this in mind we would like to invite you to send your reflections or  any questions related to the papers and books we feature and link to the NTC.

We hope you will join us in our endeavor to build a community around narrative ideas and become a subscriber to Narrative Voices.

All the best,

From the Narrative Therapy Centre of Toronto

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